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Signs Your Aging Loved One May Need Support

If you have an older adult in your life, you may be wondering how to recognize when they need additional help. Aging brings many challenges - physical limitations, cognitive decline, and emotional struggles such as depression, anxiety, or grief. These factors can impact their ability to care for themselves and maintain their independence.

By paying attention to key areas, you can spot early signs that your loved one may need assistance—before a crisis occurs.

Physical Appearance

Take note of changes in hygiene and grooming. Are they wearing clean clothes and dressing appropriately for the weather? Are they keeping up with bathing and oral care? 


Observe how they move around their home and outside. Do they seem unsteady, hesitant to walk, or have trouble getting out of a chair or bed? Have they had any recent falls? 

Memory & Cognition

While occasional forgetfulness is normal, memory lapses that interfere with daily life may signal something more serious. Warning signs include getting lost in familiar places, struggling to follow instructions, asking the same questions repeatedly, or showing confusion about time, people, or places.

Weight Changes

Aging can naturally affect appetite, but sudden weight loss or gain—especially in someone who has maintained a steady weight—could indicate an underlying issue.

Mood & Behavior

Notice any shifts in their mood or personality. Are they more impulsive, anxious, agitated, or withdrawn? Have they become more argumentative or less logical in their decision-making? 

Social Engagement

Has your loved one stopped participating in hobbies, community activities, or social gatherings they once enjoyed? Are they staying in touch with family and friends? 

Managing Finances

Look for signs of financial difficulties, such as overdue bills, duplicate payments, unexplained purchases, or concerns about money that weren’t previously present.

Home Maintenance

Is their home being properly maintained and kept tidy? Signs that they may be struggling include excessive clutter, neglected repairs, or an unkempt yard.

Other Warning Signs

Beyond these main categories, you may notice additional red flags, such as dents and scratches on their car, scorched cookware from forgotten meals, missed medications, or pets not being properly cared for.

What to Do Next

The key question to ask yourself is: Is my loved one safe? If you notice any of these warning signs, start a compassionate conversation. Let them know you’re concerned and listen to their perspective. Be prepared to offer support and explore potential solutions together.

If you need guidance in identifying the root causes of these challenges or finding resources to enhance your loved one’s well-being, contact Mellie for expert advice and support.


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